Coffee with an Expert – GE VERNOVA
GE Vernovas webinarserie “Coffee with an Expert” er tilbage! Hver måned vil GE Vernovas eksperter tale om vigtige emner inden for produktionsindustrien og vise praktiske cases med udgangspunkt i Proficy-software.
Fyld kaffekoppen op, og vær med! Tilmeld dig her.
28. januar: | AI Assistant for Proficy Smart Factory: Chat with Proficy Smart Factory |
18. februar: | Proficy Suite: Cyber Security by Design |
11. mars: | Operationalizing AI on the Shop Floor |
10. april: | Smart Factory for the Food Industry |
13. mai: | Smart Factory for Discrete Complex Assembly |
17. juni: | Smart Factory for the Metals Industry |
8. juli: | Implementation: Journey and Lessons Learned |
16. september: | Operationalizing Sustainability Goals |
14. oktober: | Streamlining the Shop Floor Schedule |
18. november: | Harnessing Enterprise Data Complexity: Enabling the Connected Worker with the Proficy Portfolio |
9. desember: | Delighting Customers with Results, Data and Actions through Assertive communication: The Readiness Assessment |
Alle webinarer afholdes kl. 10:30.