Board of Directors

The board of Novotek AB consists of the following persons:

Sven Kristensson
Eslöv, born 1962, The Swedish Air Force, University of Linköping.
Boardmember since 2022 and chairman since 2023.
President and CEO Nederman Holding AB.
Other significant Board of Director assignment: BK Pac AB (chairman), Diendenport AB (chairman), Kristensson Holding AB (chairman), Dr P Håkonssons stiftelser (deputy chairman), Sydsvenska Handelskammaren (deputy chairman) and Swegon AB.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: Direct holding of 3 000 B-shares.

Independent of the company and corporate management and of Novotek’s major shareholders.

Charlotta Johnsson
Lund, born 1970, M.Sc. Eng. and Ph.D.
Board member since 2018.
Vice Dean at LTH.
Other significant Board of Director assignment: Board member of Innovation Skåne AB.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Independent of the company and corporate management and of Novotek’s major shareholders.

Fredrik Larsson
Staffanstorp, born 1972, M.Sc. Eng.
Board member since 2014.
Executive Vice President Idus AB and has previous experience as an IT consultant withing project and programing management.
Other significant Board of Director assignment: None.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: Indirect holding corresponding to 522 900 A-shares and 74 700 B-shares together with 500 B-shares (direct holding).

Independent of the company and corporate management but dependent to Novotek’s major shareholders.

Anna Bjelm
Helsingborg, born 1966, M.Sc. Eng. and Executive MBA.
Board member since 2017.
MD at aSterling enrichment AB, former MD at Diab AB.
Other significant Board of Director assignment: None.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Independent of the company and corporate management and of Novotek’s major shareholders.


Peter Rosén
Limhamn, born 1968, B.Sc. Econ.
Board member since 2022.
CFO and Deputy CEO Hexpol.
Other significant Board of Director assignment: None.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Independent of the company and corporate management and of Novotek’s major shareholders.



Currently, the board has not establised a remuneration committtee or an audit committe. The boards view is that the tasks that would otherwise be performed by committees are better carried out by the board in its entirety.


The work of the board
On a yearly basis the board revises and decides on a work order for the board and the CEO and managing director. The work order states the work of the board and the spilt of the work between the board and the CEO and managing director. It also states how the board meetings shall be conducted and documented.

Sven Kristensson has a special task within the board to review and approve all information material sent to the Stockholm Stock Exchange and media.

Peter Rosén has a special task within the board to monitor the development and precision of the finance function.

CEO and Senior Management

The Senior Management group of Novotek consists of the following persons:

Tobias Antius
Born 1972, M.Sc. Eng.
CEO Novotek group & Managing Director Novotek AB.
Former CEO Novosignal AB.
Other significant Board of Director assignment: None.
Employed since 2005.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: Indirect holding corresponding
to 250 000 A-shares together with 2 000 B-shares.

Veronika Grozdanovska
Born 1970.
COO Novotek group & Novotek AB.
Employed since 2021.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: Direct holding of 1 000 B-shares.

Helena Bramstorp
Born 1982.
CFO Novotek group & Novotek AB.
Employed since 2022.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Srecko Rahimic
Born 1977.
Director of Novotek A/S, Denmark.
Employed since 2021.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Antti Kaikkonen
Born 1978.
Director of Novotek Oy, Finland.
Employed since 2006.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Bjørn Inge Olsen
Born 1970.
Director of Novotek AS, Norway.
Employed since 1995.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: Direct holding of 30 000 B-shares.

Mart Scheepers
Born 1964.
Director of Novotek B.V., The Netherlands and Novotek BVBA, Belgium.
Employed since 2002.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Jens Molin
Born 1982.
Director of Novotek Sverige AB, Sweden.
Employed since 2009.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: Indirect holding of 17 B-shares.

George Walker
Born 1971.
Director of Novotek UK & Ireland Ltd, UK and Ireland.
Employed since 2004.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Remo Ingold
Born 1968.
Director of Novotek Switzerland AG, Schweiz.
Employed since 2006.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Harald Taschek
Born 1965.
Director of T&G Automation GmbH (to be Novotek Austria GmbH), Austria
Employed since 1995.
Direct shareholding in Novotek AB: None.

Auditors and Audit

Auditors are appointed by the general shareholders meeting. The task of the auditors is to review the company’s annual report and accounts and the Board of Directors’ and Chief Executive Officer’s administration on behalf of the stockholders. Novotek adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from 2005 onwards. Auditing annual reports, Consolidated Financial Statements and accounts, and the Board of Directors’ and Managing director’s administration are conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing principles in Sweden.

The Deloitte AB audit firm was appointed as auditor by the 2024-05-06 Annual General Meeting. The audit firm has announced its appointment of Mattias Lönnquist, Authorized Public Accountant, as lead auditor for the audit.

Deloitte AB
Mattias Lönnquist

Born 1980
Authorized Public Accountant
Outcome of remuneration to auditors is in each year’s annual report.

Accounting principles

Novotek’s financial reports are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as endorsed by the European Union, the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and the Swedish Financial Reporting Board’s standard RFR 1 Supplementary Accounting Rules for Groups. The financial statement of the Parent Company has been prepared in accordance with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and RFR 2 Accounting for Legal Entities.

For a more detailed description of the accounting principles adopted by the Group and the Parent Company, please refer to the respective annual report.