Home One Novotek Employees and Organisation

Novotek´s employees

Approximately 68 per cent of our employees have an academic degree. While demand for the relevant professional categories has been significant, from customers as well as competitors, Novotek’s position and reputation in the industry has enabled us to recruit staff with the right skills profile.

Novotek has an explicit strategy of promoting diversity and equality, and is keen to recruit people with a different background than the traditional one in our industry. Each year Novotek evaluates all terms and conditions to ensure that our goals for personal development and salary setting are complied with. A key factor for attracting and retaining staff is the ability to offer interesting work at the forefront of technology.

Long-term relations

Novotek strives to establish long-term relations with customers as well as employees and aims to keep staff turnover at a low level. In 2017 have there been new-hires in many areas and of course the acquisition of Kerrco in Q3 added 12 people. Staff turnover for 2017 was therefore 11% (13%). The average number of employees was 113 (110) in 2017. At year-end 2017 the Group had 120 employees. The average age was 44.


Novotek´s organisation

Novotek is a decentralised organisation with a focus on ensuring that everyone has direct contact with customers, the market and the solutions we deliver. Flat, efficient and trust are the guiding principles for Novotek’s organisation. Everyone should feel that they have a stake in Novotek’s successes and everyone should know what their role in the organisation is, and that they enjoy the trust of management. Novotek wants to ensure that everyone is secure, disciplined and curious.