Digitization is about people and processes not technology
This is an article that first was printed in Automation nr 5 2021
Digitization is about people and processes not technology
Industrial Digitization is a concept that has been talked about a lot . But what it means depends entirely on who you have discussed with and in what context . Simply put , Digitization in industry means that people and machines are always connected and can always communicate with each other . Enormous amounts of data are created from this , which can be transformed into knowledge to act from the outside.
It is said that 70% of companies ‘ investments in digitization fail. One important reason is that it lack ‘s visions, goals and strategies when you start the work. It is absolutely crucial to understand why you should do it and to have a picture of what you want to achieve.
Thoughts and ideas about digitalisation are needed to get started, but in order to be innovative, insights and experiences about needs and opportunities in both one’s own business and with the customer are also required . Everything needed for the smart solutions of the future .
The Digital T ransformationen started with us sj fairy when we change our behavior fifteen years ago. We all got access to smart phones, cheap broadband and the ability to constantly uppkopp – processing and information retrieval. This meant that we as consumers in a battle took control and all product vendors suddenly came in after called alkene. T anufacturers realized that you have to think and think again, the digital transformation had begun.
I experience the shift as something multi-dimensional, a largely cultural change that will fundamentally change producing companies forever. There is an incredibly strong will and ability to change among industrial companies in Sweden, d äremot is it difficult to know where and how to start. And how to do all this without going down the road. The creation of new business models that encompass the entire value chain must be balanced against your current digital maturity and the customer’s strategy and vision.
All corporate opportunities and challenges are unique , is a common denominator – to flourish in our new world, we must trans – formation, and develop us quickly. All need to find their identity and therefore the digital transformer – concentration more a matter of culture than technology . Seeing and managing the new cultural change is the biggest challenge. I has seen many who underestimate the significance of the human being and who think it’s just about technology.
Digital transformation may feel scary and difficult to handle . But the change also opens up great potential – called transform their business while engaging is its employees and communion you closer to its customers.
To help our customers to do this , to get the ” heart ” of the digital text transformation is the essence of Novotek digitization offer .
We guide our clients through their digital journey for them to succeed and continue to be relevant in a lot for new reality.
/ Veronika Grozdanovska – Chief Innovation Officer Novotek AB